Streamer Program

Your private GetMeBro! league on your Discord channel.
Play with your community and advance to #ClashOfDiscords finals to show who’s the best around.

How does it work?

Discord server that participate in league will get set of private tournaments that are visible only for channel members.
One tournament lasts in average 30-50 min. The exact times of tournament and how many per week can be set up on demand.
Our GetMeBro! BOT will serve you for league signups and showing you current standings in a league.

What can I win

In League tournaments you can win GetMeBro Brocoins and goodies but that’s not all. You also collet league points.
Best people in league with most points will be invited every month to #ClashOfDiscords. There will be players from other discord servers battling for the title and some interesting prizes for top 4 players in form of Vouchers to your favourite gaming storefront.

Nice, how do I join?

If you are in discord server and you think people there are competitive enough than don’t hesitate and show them this website. Also show it to server admin, as we need admins permission to add server to GMB Discord league. If you are admin yourself then it’s even easier! First add you have to add GetMeBro! BOT to your server by clicking the button below.

Add bot to your server

(* BOT will provide functionality to show GMB player stats, sign up players to league, and show league standings)

After you already have a bot on your server we have to enable League for you. To do that just drop us a message on our discord or email us to that you want Discord league on your server.

You want to stream it?

If you have a streamer on your Discord that would like to stream tournaments we got you covered.
We can set up streamers as tournaments admins so they can jump into live matches and spectate the match and tournament as it goes. We can also provide GetMeBro giveaway codes for people that watch to earn also something nice.

Join now, it is free!

What you waiting for. It’s that simple. Get the BOT on your channel, contact us to active the league for you and you are ready to go. Looking forward to see you in #ClashOfDiscords finals!!!

Add bot to your server